The Minimum Progress Agreement

Teaching for Mathematical Understanding and Agency: International Schools

We need to avoid the scenario where most teachers have made significant progress, but one or two have made little or none. To support this goal, we suggest implementing a Minimum Progress Agreement. 

The suggested scheme outlines the minimum progress each teacher should achieve each month, based on an average of 30 minutes per week. Note that the modules vary in length, and it's expected some teachers may progress faster than others. 

This is a suggested guide only. Feel free to modify it to suit your needs. 

We anticipate most teachers will progress faster than the suggested schedule below.

Suggested Minimum Progress Agreement:

  • End of Week 1 - everyone has logged in.
  • End of Month 1: Modules 1&2 completed.
  • End of Month 2: Modules 3&4 completed.
  • End of Month 3: Modules 4&5 completed (Implementations begin).
  • End of Month 4: Module 6 (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 5/6: Module 7 (Plus Implementations). 
  • End of Month 7: Module 8 (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 8/9: Module 8B (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 10: Module 9 (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 11: Module 10 (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 12: Module 11 (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 13: Recap (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 14: Recap (Plus Implementations).
  • End of Month 15: Modules 12 & 13 (Continued Implementations).