An Extensive 12-hr PD Program

NOTE: We are running an end 2024 half-price sale

$390pp for 2+;  $490 for individuals +GST in Australia.
Equivalent to 2+ days of face-to-face instruction over 3-5 months.
Classroom implementations are a key feature of the program. 

Starts: Whenever you are ready!
Ask about our Departmental (Team) Approach.

Flier: Conc-Coord-GeomPD-20.4.23.pdf

Enrol: (request a Tax Invoice)

This could be you ...

  • The Understanding-1st, Procedures-2nd approach increases your ability to foster agency in students. Consequently, you have more control over the learning and feel more inspired.

  • Students who would typically struggle flourish with this Understanding-first approach to 'Coord Geom'. They are engaged, think through activities, and feel empowered. They truly 'get it'!

  • When students encounter a new procedure, there is recognition because they've been exploring and thinking through the concepts related to that procedure.

Course curriculum

    1. 000 Welcome To This PD

    2. 005 Before We Start

    3. 010 Aims and Requirements

    4. 015 To The Previewers …

    5. 020 Some Course Logistics

    6. 025 Add a profile pic

    7. 040 Strategy Implementations

    8. 030 Introduce Yourself*

    9. 050 All About Teams

    10. 055 All things GeoGebra

    1. 100 Start Module One

    2. 110 *Formative Assessment and Feedback

    3. 120 Formative Assessment and Feedback - Specific to GeoGebra

    4. 130 Challenge the traditional procedural approach

    5. 140 Access the unit (pdfs)

    6. 150 *Conceptual Coord Geom Unpacked

    7. 160 GeoGebra Pre-requisite Skills

    8. 160b Download the files

    9. 170 GeoGebra Skills Activity

    10. 180 *Phase One Unpacked - The warm up

    11. 190 A Timely Reminder

    1. 200 Start Module Two

    2. 230 Phase Two unpacked - gradients & intercepts

    3. 240 *Applying GeoGebra to Phase Two

    4. 240b Download Your Files

    5. 250 *The Brick Wall Strategy

    6. 260 Phase Three unpacked - consolidation

    7. 270 *GeoGebra for Phase Three

    8. 280 Gradient displayed dynamically with GeoGebra

    1. 300 Welcome to Module Three

    2. 310 Phase Four Act-1 Unpacked - midpoint, distance, gradient

    3. 320 Phase Four Act-2 Unpacked - using the formulas

    4. 320b Download The File

    5. 330 *Phase Four Act-3 unpacked - consolidation

    6. 340 Exploring the Phase Four GeoGebra files

    7. 350 A couple of reminders

    1. 4a-00 Start Module 4-a

    2. 4a-10 Dealing with Student Spread

    3. 4a-20 *The mini lesson

    4. 4a-30 Homework strategies for student-centred units

    1. 4b-00 Start Module Four-b

    2. 4b-10 Phase 5 unpacked - Simultaneous Equations

    3. 4b-20 *Phase 6 unpacked - practice

    4. 4b-30 Preparing for Phase 7

    5. 4b-30b Download the file!

    6. 4b-40 Phase 7 unpacked - extension

    7. 4b-50 Inequalities

    8. 4b-60 Phase 8 unpacked - general form

    9. 4b-70 *But will it or won't it?

    10. 4b-80 What are you thinking of impleme...


About this course

  • 65 lessons


“The best aspect of the course was student engagement. In what is normally a beat your head against the wall class, students were actively trying to solve perceived mysteries, drawing their own conclusions and the majority of the time, coming up with correct solutions. In so many ways I feel like Your courses (this on and Maths-Agency) are making me a much more open-minded teacher, one that will allow students to grow as individuals, rather than as some number on a chart tells us they should grow.”

Belinda Naujok, Moss Vale High School

“I was initially a bit sceptical of this course having had mixed results from conceptual learning approaches before. I can definitely now see the advantages of how Coord Geom lends itself so well to the approach. I really enjoyed that the course was self-paced! A great collection of ideas and resources. So happy to complete some useful PD!”

Michael George, Casino High School

“This course has opened my eyes to understanding a different approach to teaching Maths. I have always felt the need to break away from formula-driven teaching and find alternative methods for creating understanding. This course definitely touches on some very effective strategies.”

Naomi Aigner, Conceptual Coordinate Geometry

“I am so glad I joined this course and learnt what 'conceptual learning' is all about. I ran this approach with my class and have found this approach wonderful to use. Teaching students linear relationships can always be a daunting topic, but with this approach and the resources provided, my students had many light bulb moments. The facilitators are always ready to help. Great course, Thanks!”

Evelyn Brec-Slatinsek, All Saints Catholic College, Liverpool

“This course had me rethink my teaching strategies and consider how to better engage the students - especially the more advanced ones. I really did like the assessment task presented on video and saw the value of the experimentation that took place by the students. While some information presented was new and challenging for me, other information was affirming and encouraging to maintain those practices. ”

Tracy Pearson, St Mary MacKillop Catholic College

“Richard, I have participated in your GeoGebra online courses and wish to say that these courses have enhanced my skills to use GeoGebra with confidence - especially to teach students in bottom classes. Using the techniques I have gained from your courses, I found that the students were more engaged and they do understand better. I recommend your courses to all new Maths staff members. Thanks a lot. ”

Rita Alphonsus, Denison College of Secondary Education


  • Should we enrol more than one teacher in this online course?

    It is always best to engage in a classroom-changing PD program with a colleague - simply so you can discuss the content and discuss your implementation experiences. (Check out the Team PD link above.) However, this course is also ideal for individual teachers.

  • Am I able to commence whenever I want?

    Although you can request (on the form) to start 'now', officially the program commences on March 28th, June 20th, Sept 12th, Dec 5th. Teams choose their own start dates.

  • What happens if I don't complete the course within the allocated time?

    You have a 6-month window (from the time of joining) within which to complete the program. Extensions are possible as long as you make regular progress - or keep us posted if you are struggling with progress. In short, you will be given every opportunity to complete.

  • Will I have to be logged in at specific times?

    No. The course is self-paced and accessible 24/7. There is no requirement to be logged in at any specific time.


Richard Andrew

Hi! I’m Richard. I’ve been delivering PD to teachers since 2007 - after twenty-plus years in the classroom, six as a Department Head. My main PD thrust is to support teachers to improve their ability to foster agency and understanding in students. This is because we only shine as mathematics teachers when our students demonstrate agency ... when students assume ownership through experiencing a sense of control over their learning. I've always been fascinated by the craft of teaching maths. I have a knack for presenting complex pedagogical ideas in easy-to-follow ways, and in the absence of edu-babble.