The #1 Course For Early-career Teachers
This practical, individualised course answered all those beginning teacher questions I often wonder about. It has had a dramatic impact on my classes. (Rob Sibley, Trangie Central School, Oct 2021)
NOTE: We are running an end 2024 half-price sale
$330pp for 2+; $390 for individuals +GST in Australia.
Equivalent to 2+ days of face-to-face instruction over 2-4 months.
Classroom implementations are a key feature of the program.
Starts: Whenever you are ready!
Ask about our Departmental (Team) Approach.
Flier: Early-Career-TeacherPD-20.4.23.pdf
Enrol: (request a Tax Invoice)
“ The best aspect of the course was having advice that targeted all those beginning teacher questions that I have often been wondering about. This aspect was what made the course great! I was inspired by the ideas that came through that aligned with many of the things I already believed and aspired to implement but didn't have the courage or knowledge of where to start. I was surprised by how many people had similar issues or had made similar mistakes to me in the beginning of my career. It was very comforting to know I wasn't alone. The course has had a dramatic impact on my classes. They have already begun to improve as a result of the strategies learned from this course. ”
“The best aspect was being able to listen and understand I am not alone and many many others have been through and continue to go through it. I also like the have-a-chat videos as they are good to hear different stories or sides in real settings. The course has helped me get motivated to work with my classes and get the vibe right and to establish the two-way street of respect and expectations to make teaching run more smoothly. Isabella Fawcett, Trangie Central School”
“I really enjoyed the practical strategies and observing change in action (the John Bayley videos). It has also been encouraging to see through stories how different the journey can be for many different people. I have gained excitement for seeing where my journey goes. The vision document was useful for putting my goals for change on paper and motivating me to bring about this change in my classes to create the best learning environment I can where students have agency in their learning. Lachlan Davies, Hawkesbury High School”
If you are looking for department-wide improvement regarding student agency then the ideal way to achieve this is to enrol all or most of your teachers into this course as a Team. However, this course is also ideal for individual teachers wanting to see significant changes occur in their classroom teaching.
Although you can request (on the form) to start 'now', officially the program commences on March 28th, June 20th, Sept 12th, Dec 5th. Teams choose their own start dates.
As long as you make regular progress - or keep us posted when something unforeseen is preventing you from making progress - you will be given every opportunity to complete the course.
No. The course is self-paced and accessible 24/7. There is no requirement to be logged in at any specific time.
1.1 Welcome To The Course
1.2.1 Add a profile pic
1.2 *Introduce Yourself*
1.3 Why Learn Implement Share?
1.4 Gaining The Most From This Course
FREE PREVIEW1.5 Course Requirements
FREE PREVIEW1.6 To the previewers …
FREE PREVIEW2.1 Your Vision As A Teacher
FREE PREVIEW2.2 A Must-Watch Video For All Teachers
2.2b *Your 'Must-Watch Video' Takeaways*
2.3 What sort of person am I?
2.3b *Your 'What sort of person am I?' Comment*
2.4 The Aim Of The teaching Game
FREE PREVIEW2.5 The Twelve Mistakes You Will Likely Make As A New Teacher
FREE PREVIEW2.6 Mistake #1: Too Hard On Yourself
2.7 Mistake #2: Prevention Or Cure?
2.8 About Your Implementations
3.1 Teachers Said This About Lesson Planning
3.2 About those Aims And Objectives
3.3 Lesson planning is key, but ...
3.3b *Your 'Lesson Planning is Key' Comment*
3.4 Lesson Planning - Some Nuts And Bolts
3.5 Student Agency Is Key - How To Plan For It
3.5b *Your 'Student Agency Is Key' Comment*
3.6 Mistakes #3: Lacking Clarity
FREE PREVIEW3.7 Mistake #4: Look Who's Talking! Read again from The Solution first
3.8 Implementation Reminder
4.1 What? No Section On Student Management?
4.2 Lesson Structure
4.2b *Your Lesson Structure Comment*
4.3 Ten Teaching Principles Of Effective Instruction
4.4 Improving Your Lesson Delivery (Being Observed)
4.5 Improving Your Vocal Delivery (Recording Yourself)
4.6 Improving Your Lesson Delivery - Voice Training (Implementation)
4.7 Improving Your Lesson Delivery (Phrases, Commands, Movement Patterns)
4.7b *Your Pages 4.4 to 4.7 Comment*
4.8 Uh-Oh ... My Class Is Turning On Me!
4.9 Mistake #5: Poor Lesson Structure
4.10 Mistake #6: Over-Focus On Problem Students
5.1 Wait a minute ... what am I trying to achieve here?
5.2 Direct Instruction
5.3 Student Centred Learning?
5.3b *Your Student Centred Learning Comment*
5.4 Learned Helplessness
5.5 Diagnostic Interactions - Empowering Learners
FREE PREVIEW5.5b *Diagnostic Interactions - The Article*
5.6 But sir ... will this be in the test?
5.7 Mistake #7: Using 'Old-style Questioning
FREE PREVIEW5.8 Mistake #8: Being drawn into negativity.
6.1 Let's Stop Talking Down To Kids!
FREE PREVIEW6.2 Rapport - The Good
6.3 Rapport - The Not-so Good!
FREE PREVIEW6.3b *Your Rapport Comment*
6.4 Transparency And Positive Relationships With Students
6.4b *Your 'Transparency' Comment*
6.5 Punishments or consequences?
6.6 Using Praise To Manage Your Students
6.7 Turning Around A Negative Cycle Of Feedback
6.7b The Fireside Chat
6.8 Human Flourishing
6.8b *Your Human Flourishing Comment*
6.9 Mistake #9: Praise? Who Needs It?
6.10 Mistake #10: Seriously?